dick faced cockmaster

a rare breed of fish with a pink, mushroom-shaped head and a long, smooth body. when it gets excited it sprays white, gel-like film. when this film contacts its close cousin, the vagina-faced pussy monger, it impregnates the monger. after spraying this film, the cockmaster softens its body and goes to sleep for several hours. around the age of 13, the master begins to grow hair around its lower portion of its body. this fish is never eaten, however, some people suck on these fishes to extract their film, however, most dont swallow it rather they rub it into their skin.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to dick faced cockmaster. Some of the top words include: cockbite, fish taco, Penis, Witton Chou, PPtoucher, and 25 more.